To make Krome Reno great, it is dependent on you.
In Krome Reno, we believe the strength of our teams lies within our people. We want to support and create a fantastic work-life-balance environment. Building strong family-sense teams as a support system structure, to develop people relations, and braving through challenging business cycles together, as a unit.
We emphasize that there is no ‘I’ in ‘Teams’ and that an individual can either compliment and uplift others around them or break comraderies and functions within their department of work. The ideal, is a ‘One for All and All for One’ mentality.
At Krome Reno, our biggest aim is to develop people, more so, to grow those who are our family members. We thrive to provide opportunities for success, creating structured career growth paths, and place high importance in further education and redevelopment. No one should be left behind.
Our message is, commitment. This is what we seek on ourselves as professionals and what we push to show to our teams, colleagues, partners, and customers.
Till date, Krome Reno has provided employment for 10 members. Supported 5 members for professional and personal development, with a further, 3 more planned, by 2018. We have created, direct or indirect, business and job opportunities for at least 15 local companies that benefits, at least 50 of their employees.
We are not going to sit on what we have accomplished till date. We want to go further. We want people who shares our commitments and whom can inspire those around them.
If you are that individual, at Krome Reno, we welcome you on board.
Francis Sky
Strategic Business Partner
Krome Reno
14th July 2015